In the battle of Baihetan, the first battle was unfavorable and the troops were scattered. Liu Xiu fled to Funiu Mountain in the northwest of Wan alone, and Wang Mang led the troops in pursuit. On this day, Liu Xiu ran to the bottom of a barren hill. It was the midsummer of June, and the sun was like fire. It hadn't rained for a long time. Hungry and thirsty, Liu Xiu collapsed under a steep rock wall. It was so hot that Liu Xiu opened his mouth and gasped. Liu Xiu thought, will I die here today? I can't help thinking:? Mountain, lower your head, turn around and give me a shade to escape and live! ? The words sound just fell and the mountain really tilted to Liu Xiu. A shadow just covered Liu Xiu, and Liu Xiu survived.
Liu Xiu gasped for a while, thirsty and hungry. Call from the foot of the mountain at this time? Laigou? An old woman came to the village with a small crock in her hand. Liu Xiu struggled to stand up, gave the old woman a deep gift and said, Aunt, I'm hungry, please help me! For people who stutter! ? Liu Xiu held the rice jar in her hands, upturned her face, pouted her mouth, and drank only half a can of millet soup in one breath. The old woman told the rest to her wife. When his wife saw that she was annoyed, she scolded her for not giving him enough food. When the old lady told me what had just happened, the old man was not angry and let Liu Xiu drink the rest. Just as he was talking, someone shouted for a horse from the other side of the mountain. Liu Xiu thanked the old man at once, took out a silver ingot and turned to hide in a nearby ravine.
Later, Liu Xiu became emperor in Luoyang. Recalling this incident, he sent a minister to this mountain? Laigou? Visit the old couple in the village, thanks to the old man. When asked, the old couple were already dead. In order to repay the kindness of the old man, Liu Xiu decided to build a temple on this mountain and named it? Die first temple? It's on the top of the mountain.