What original records need to be signed and sealed by the auditor during the system audit?
1, fully responsible for the specific organization of the audit. 2. Select the personnel who have the qualification of internal auditor and have no direct responsibility with the audited department to form the audit team and divide the work. 3. Organize internal auditors to prepare an internal audit implementation plan according to the annual internal audit plan, and distribute it to the auditee about one week in advance. 4. Before the audit begins, preside over the first meeting attended by the head of the audited department, auditors and relevant personnel, and sign the meeting sign-in form. Clarify the purpose and scope of the audit again for the first time, confirm the audit plan, and emphasize the audit principle. 5. According to the internal audit checklist, check the operation of the quality system by talking with the audited personnel, consulting documents, inspecting the site and collecting evidence. 6. Non-conformities found in the audit shall be confirmed by the person in charge of the audited party to ensure that the non-conformities can be fully understood and help to take preventive and corrective measures. 7. Review the last meeting, preside over the last meeting attended by the person in charge of the audited department, the auditor and relevant personnel, sign the sign-in form for the last meeting, and report the preliminary audit results. 8. Determine non-conformities and prepare non-conformance report, and put forward requirements for formulating corrective measures, tracking and supervision. 9. Prepare the audit report and send it to relevant departments after being approved by the management representative. 10. Confirm the corrective action plan of the responsible department. 1 1. Track and verify the rectification of nonconformities proposed by the audit.