The boiling point of fusel oil is generally higher than that of ethanol (the boiling point of ethanol is 78℃, the boiling point of propanol is 97℃, and the boiling point of isoamyl alcohol is 13l℃). In the process of liquor distillation, it is necessary to control the temperature and reduce the fusel oil content of finished liquor by pinching the head and tail.
When the concentration of alcohol in blood reaches 0.05%, the effect of alcohol begins to appear, resulting in excitement and euphoria; When the alcohol concentration in blood reaches 0. 1%, people will lose their self-control ability. If it reaches 0.2%, people have reached the point of being as drunk as a fiddler; When it reaches 0.4%, people will be unconscious, unconscious and even life-threatening.
The most harmful effect of alcohol on people is the central nervous system. It makes the nervous system from excitement to high inhibition, which seriously destroys the normal function of the nervous system. Excessive drinking is harmful to the liver. Chronic alcoholism can lead to alcoholic cirrhosis.
Baidu Encyclopedia-China Spirit