When you unzip and open the APK file, you usually have a folder like this:
META-INF directory:
Manifestation MF: manifest file
Certified RSA: Application Certificate
SF: SHA- 1 resource signature list that proves qualified. For example:
Signature-Version: 1.0
Created by 1.0 (Android)
sha 1-Digest-Manifest:wxqneai 0 ua 5 no 5 QJ 8 cgmwjkgwe =
Name: res/layout/exchange _ component _ back _ bottom.xml.
sha 1-Digest:eacjmjesj 7 zkf 0 cbftz 0 qwrt 7 w =
Name: res/drawable-hdpi/icon.png.
sha 1-Digest:dgeqylp 8 w0 n 0iv/zzbx 3 MW 0 wgca =
Lib: This directory contains some specific compiled codes. This folder is divided into the following parts.
Armeabi: Compiled code based on all ARM processors only.
Armeabi-v7a: Compiled code for all ARMv7 processors.
X86: Code compiled only for x86 processors.
Mips: Code compiled for MIPS processors.
Res: The directory containing the resource is not compiled into the resource file. See the following:
Assets: Assets containing applications, which can be retrieved through AssetManager.
AndroidManifest.xml: A metadata file containing an application, describing its name, version, access rights and library files that reference the application. This file is in Android binary format and can be converted into readable plain text XML tools by tools, such as? AXMLPrinter2, apktool or Androguard. Settings, which can be retrieved through AssetManager.
Classes.dex: Dalvik bytecode
Resources.arsc: A file containing precompiled resources, such as binary XML.
There are two ways to decompile APK. If it is a Chinese program, you can use apktool:
Installation process
1. Download apktool 1.5.2.tar.bz2 and apktool-install-Windows-R05-Bruce1.tar.bz2.
2. Unzip two files and put them in the same directory, * * * three files.
The apktool.jar is used for unpacking, and the apktool.jar and aapt.exe are used for packaging together.
Execute at the command line:
apktool d d:\xxx.apk d:\xxx
Xxx is your output directory. Then you can look at some xml resource files and Smali files. As shown below, the decompiled output directory of APK file is:
Smali and Baksmali refer to. Dex formats used by Java Virtual Machine (Dalvik) in Android system. Its grammar is a loose Jasmin/dedexer grammar, which is implemented. Dex format.
You can use dex2jar, extract it after downloading, and directly drag the apk file to dex2jar.bat file to generate the corresponding *. Jar file. At this time, open the jar file with JD-GUI, and you can see the java source code and export it.
It can be seen that decompilation of Android applications is not difficult, and the struggle between encryption and decryption will continue.