Module? bee
& ltStructLayout(LayoutKind。 Sequential) >
Public? Structure? FILETIME
Public? dwLowDateTime? As? Uinteg
Public? dwHighDateTime? As? Uinteg
Public? Read only? Property? Value()? As? own goal
Return? CType(dwHighDateTime? & lt& lt? 32,? ULong)? +? dwLowDateTime
End? get
End? property
End? structure
Public? Delegate? Sub? TimerCompleteDelegate()
& ltDllImport(" kernel 32 . dll ")& gt;
Public? Function? CreateWaitableTimer(lpTimerAttributes? As? IntPtr,? bManualReset? As? Bull? lpTimerName? As? String)? As? IntPtr
End? function
& ltDllImport(" kernel 32 . dll ")& gt;
Public? Function? SetWaitableTimer(hTimer? As? IntPtr,? ByRef? ft? As? Dragon? L cycle? As? Int32,? pfnCompletionRoutine? As? TimerCompleteDelegate,? pArgToCompletionRoutine? As? IntPtr,? Fresum? As? Boolean)? As? Boolean algebra system
End? function
Public? Function? SetWaitableTimer(hTimer? As? IntPtr,? ByRef? ft? As? Dragon? L cycle? As? Int32)? As? Boolean algebra system
Return? SetWaitableTimer(hTimer,? ft,? L period,? Nothing. IntPtr。 Zero? True)
End? function
End? ModuleSetWaitableTimer's statement is wrong.
Net name: The secret love of the strange girl
Personal signature: My world has stopped, but there is still something left