The first one is Chen Meiqi's signature, which is very beautiful and legible.
The second is Angie Chiu's signature. Her handwriting tends to be cursive. If it is not combined with her own photo, this signature is really a bit difficult to recognize.
The next one is still Angie Chiu's signature. She plays two roles in the play, and her style is changeable. You can enjoy her signature in different stills.
The stills of Xu Shilin and Cai Yin have Cecilia Yip's own signature. Her signature is easy to read, too. There is a number "92" and a heart-shaped symbol directly below the signature. We know that the legend of the new White Snake was shot in 1992, so the "92" marked by Cecilia Yip certainly refers to the year. She is really thoughtful, and such a signature is also very creative.
Stills of Hu Meiniang and Cai Yin. The following photos are all signed by Angie Chiu. Please enjoy it.