Three Jin Nianxin (xīn)
Three Mu Niansen (sēn)
Three Shui Nianmiao (miǎo)
Three fire Nianyan (yàn)
Three soil Nianyao (yáo)
Three sun Nianjing (jīng)
Three stone Nianlei (lěi )
Three people read the public (zhòng)
Three mouths read the product (pǐn)
Three cows read the Ben (bēn)
Three hands read (pá)
Three eyes read (mò)
Three fields read (lěi)
Three horses Three sheep think of shān (shān)
Three dogs think of 猋 (biāo)
Three deer think of cū (cū)
Three fish thoughts (xiān)
Three shell thoughts (bì)
Three force thoughts (lie)
Three Mao Nian 毳 (cuì)
Three ears Nie Nie (niè)
Three Che Nian Hong (hōng)
Three Zhi Nianchu (chù)
Three dragons Nianlu (tà, dá)
Three original Nianxi (yuán)
Three Lei Nianqi ( bìng)
Three flying thoughts (fēi)
Three swords thinking (lí)
Three thinking again (ruò)
Three scholars read the poem (zhuàng)
Three Xiaos read the poem (mó)
Three scholars read the poem (zhuǎn)
Three Zhi Nian Zhen (sè)
Three Feng Nian Shou (xiū)
Three Falcon Nian Xi (zá)
Three Ji Nian Xi (zhé) )
Three words and thoughts (tà)
Three tongues and thoughts (qì)
Three scents and thoughts (xīn)
Three springs are read (xún)
Three hearts are read (suǒ)
Three whites are read (xiǎo)