Couples must have 4 APPs
Not afraid of long-distance love, super sweet
deskmate party
A small game app for two exclusively for young people, super fashionable online party hall. Usually, whether you play some interesting double games with your partner, you can also take it out with your friend PK at the party. The proper atmosphere is a master! I don't want to go out shopping in my spare time. This APP can help you pass the time.
one-click matting
A must-have APP for couples, where you can DIY some interesting photos of you together. For puzzles and special effects, these are not to mention. Whether it's picking a portrait, picking an object, or changing the background of a photo, it's all done with one click! The life recorded together is really
wonderful. Try
Love Story
the APP that records the time of love.
Couples save their pocket money together, and then go to travel and buy things they like after saving it to the target. Long-distance love can also catch up with dramas, watch movies and chat while watching! A couple's alarm clock can wake up ta who sleeps late with one click, and you can say good morning to ta in a different place ~
Read your account
An APP that records your life at will. Many treasures have the habit of keeping accounts by hand, and record their good memories with them. This APP is super convenient to complete in three steps, taking into account the lovely and relaxed hand-drawn game style and practical hand-written graphic collage function, original and novel hand-written stickers, exquisite background templates and so on.