There is no quick and easy way to extract it as imagined.
It can be done with a small piece of code. Press the Alt+F11 key combination to open the VBE window, execute "Insert" "Module", copy the following code into it, and make sure the worksheet is the active worksheet, click "Run" - "Run Subprocess" to get result.
Note: If you find a red error message when pasting, just delete the blank lines between the statements.
Sub Demo()
Dim Orng As Range
Dim Drng As Range
Dim Cell As Range
Dim i As Integer
With ActiveSheet
Set Orng = .UsedRange.Find("A")
Set Drng = .UsedRange.Find("Remarks ")
For Each Cell In .Range(Orng, .Cells(Rows.Count, Orng.Column).End(xlUp))
.Cells(Cell.Row, Drng .Column).ClearContents
For i = Cell.Column + 1 To Drng.Column - 1
If Not .Cells(Cell.Row, i).Comment Is Nothing Then< /p>
.Cells(Cell.Row, Drng.Column) = .Cells(Cell.Row, Drng.Column) & .Cells(Drng.Row, i) & "日" & _
< p> """ & Application.Clean(Replace(.Cells(Cell.Row, i).Comment.Text, .Cells(Cell.Row, i).Comment.Author & ":", "")) & " "" _& vbCrLf
End If
Next i
End With
End Sub
Run results: