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Hua (huà) is the196th surname in China, with a large population, accounting for about 0.047% of the Han population in China. Chinese surnames come from Zi surnames, Yi surnames and Ji surnames.
Fahrenheit, which means China's surname, also refers to a temperature measurement method.
Is the Chinese surname196th in China today [1]? The population is relatively large, accounting for about 0.047% of the Han population in China.
Hua, pronounced Hu, Hu, huā. When reading huā, it is the same as the ancient "flower", flower. When pronounced, huá: 1. Beautiful and glorious; Prosperity; The best part of things; Refers to the time and year; Refers to the Chinese nation or China. When reading Hu Shi: Huashan, Xiyue among the five mountains, is in Shaanxi Province; Last name. Huá original meaning: floodlight. Extended meaning: all phenomena similar to floodlights, and then extended meaning: distribution. Explanation: The original Chinese meaning refers to the floodlight around the aperture, as opposed to the "main light". Always attached to the edge of the "main aperture", the brightness is slightly dark, hazy, decorative and very pleasant.