The fatuous Emperor Han Ling trusted eunuchs and only knew how to eat, drink and be merry. There is not enough money in the warehouse. In order to search for money, they opened a very special shop in Xiyuan. Rich people can openly come here to buy officials and titles. They put up a poster outside Hongdu Gate, indicating the price of buying an official.
20 million for the county magistrate and 4 million for the county magistrate; If you can't pay for the time being, you can take credit for the time being and pay twice as much when he takes office. Of course, these officials who spend money to buy officials are more eager to search for the money of the people after taking office. The darkness and corruption in the Eastern Han Dynasty can be regarded as home.
The corruption of the imperial court, the oppression of landlords, and successive natural disasters forced the people to rise up and resist. First, farmers in Wu Jun rose to attack the county seat and killed officials. Xu Sheng, a Hui Ji native, set out from Zhang Ju (now Cixi, Zhejiang) and gathered more than 10,000 people in a few days. Emperor Han Ling ordered Yangzhou secretariat and Danyang satrap to send troops for encirclement and suppression, but they were defeated by the peasant uprising. Xu Sheng's momentum is getting bigger and bigger, and he also calls himself "Emperor Yangming".
In A.D. 174, Sima, Wu Jun, recruited troops and joined forces with state and county officers and men to defeat Xu Sheng. Although the uprising in Wu Jun has been suppressed, a bigger armed uprising is brewing. There are three brothers in Julu County. The eldest brother is Zhang Jiao, the second is Zhang Bao, and the third is Sean. These three people are very capable and willing to help the people. Zhang Jiao knows how to treat the poor and never asks for money, so the poor support him.
He knew that farmers were oppressed by landlords and tortured by natural disasters, and how much he hoped for a peaceful world so that they could live and work in peace. He decided to use religion to organize the masses, founded a religion called Taiping Dao, and brought some disciples to preach with him.
More and more people believe in Taiping Road. Zhang Jiao also sent his brothers Zhang Bao, Sean and his disciples to travel around the world to cure diseases and preach. Taiping Road took about ten years to spread all over the country. Believe it or not, there are no ordinary people who don't know Taiping Dao. The number of Christians everywhere has grown to hundreds of thousands.
At that time, county officials only thought that Taiping Road was the teaching door to persuade people to be kind to others, and no one seriously questioned it. When one or two ministers in the imperial court saw this, they asked the Emperor Ling not to take Taiping Road. Emperor Han Ling is busy building his garden. He doesn't care about Taiping Road. Zhang Jiao organized hundreds of thousands of peasants in eight states and divided them into 36 parties, including more than 1 10,000 generous parties and 67,000 small parties. Each side elected a leader, who was under the unified command of Zhang Jiao.
They secretly agreed that on the fifth day of March in Jiazi Year (A.D. 184), the 36 th Party would revolt in Beijing and the whole country at the same time, with the slogan: "Heaven will die, and Yellow Heaven will stand; Sixty years old, in Jiazi, the world is good. " "Heaven" refers to the Eastern Han Dynasty; "Huangtian" refers to Taiping Road. They also secretly sent people to write the word "Jia Zi" in white powder on the temples in Luoyang and the government gates of various counties as a signal of the uprising.
However, there was a crucial moment more than a month before the uprising. A traitor broke out in the rebel army and denounced the Eastern Han regime. The court immediately conducted a search in Luoyang. Ma Yuanyi, who worked as a liaison in Luoyang, was unfortunately arrested and killed, and more than 1000 people connected with Taiping Road were also killed.
Due to the sudden change of the situation, Zhang Jiao made a decisive decision and decided to start the uprising one month in advance. Opening Angle claims to be a god, Zhang Bao claims to be a god, and Sean claims to be a man. The peasant uprising of the 36th Army revolted at the same time as soon as it was ordered by Zhang Jiao. Uprising farmers are all wrapped in yellow turbans as symbols, so they are called "Yellow Scarf Army".
Insurgents all over the country attacked counties, burned the government, opened prisons, released prisoners, confiscated government property, opened granaries and punished officials and landlords. In less than ten days, the whole country responded. Insurgents from all over the country flocked to Luoyang from all directions, and urgent documents from counties and counties flew to Luoyang and Kyoto like snowflakes.
Emperor Han Ling hurriedly called ministers to discuss measures to suppress it. Emperor Han Ling worshipped his consort blades as a general, and at the same time sent a large number of troops headed by Huang Fusong, Judy and Lu Zhi to suppress the Yellow Scarf Army in two ways.
However, the rebels everywhere burst like a big river, and the government could not resist it. General blades had to ask Emperor Han Ling to issue an imperial edict, ordering all counties to recruit their own troops to deal with the Yellow Scarf Army. As a result, the imperial clan nobles, governors and landlords all took the opportunity to seize the territory, expand their power and tear the whole country apart in the name of cracking down on the Yellow Scarf Army.
In the face of the bloody suppression by the imperial court and local landlords in the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Yellow Scarf Army persisted in the arduous and tenacious battle for nine months. At the critical moment of fierce fighting, the leader of the Yellow Scarf Army, Zhang Jiao, died unfortunately. Sean and Zhang Bao led the rebels to fight to the death with the enemy, and they died successively.
Although the rebel main force failed. But the Yellow Scarf Army has been fighting for twenty years. The decadent rule of the Eastern Han Dynasty is dying under the fatal blow of this large-scale uprising.