Almost all of them describe Indians as cruel, savage and bloodthirsty, and sometimes they show the bodies of white dead people to arouse the hatred of all white people against Indians. As for the white bodies on display, whether their horrible state is forged has been forgotten by history.
As for scalping, it was not initiated by Europeans in North America, but hundreds of Indian tribes had begun scalping each other before the arrival of Europeans. It has always been used and used only by Indians, and it is not surprising that white colonists used it.
In fact, the first colonist who offered a reward for scalp was the French. During the Franco-Indian War (the North American part of the Seven-Year War between Britain and France), the French bought the scalps of the colonists from the Indians and encouraged them to kill the prisoners. There is also the "Wyoming Massacre" mentioned in my last article during the American Revolutionary War. 340 American independent militiamen were killed and 227 people were scalped by Indians. You can see many such massacres. If there is such a thing as an American offering a reward to an Indian scalp, it is nothing more than a white man treating an Indian as an Indian. Even so, it seems that few white people are willing to receive such high remuneration, which is rarely recorded in history.