The red sun rises, and its road is bright; The river flows out of the river and flows into Wang Yang; Dive into the depths of the dragon, scales flying; The milk tiger roared at the valley, and the beasts were shocked; Falcon wings, dusty; The first birth of a wonderful flower, the emperor of the emperor; The generals will make a fuss, and they will do their best; The sky is pale and the ground is yellow; Even if there were years, there were eight famines; The future is like the sea, and there is plenty of time.
Beautiful, I am a young man from China, and the sky is not old! Zhuang Zi, I am a teenager in China, and I have no borders with China!
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Creation background
Young chinese said it was an essay written by Liang Qichao in the late Qing Dynasty. In this article, he praised the youthful vitality, pointed out that China under feudal rule was the "oldest empire", and earnestly hoped that "young China people" would emerge to inspire the people's spirit.
Eight-Nation Alliance invaded China and the national crisis was unprecedented. On young chinese was written in 1900, and Liang Qichao was exiled to Japan after the Reform Movement of 1898. That year was the boxer movement year. At that time, due to imperialist aggression, the Boxer Patriotic Movement broke out in China. Imperialism united to form Eight-Nation Alliance, colluded with the Qing government, suppressed the Boxer Rebellion, and captured Tianjin and Peking.
At that time, Eight-Nation Alliance created public opinion and slandered China as "the old empire", "the sick man of East Asia" and "divided", unable to stand on its own feet, and had to be managed or carved up by the great powers. Among China people, there are some ignorant people who shout that "it is unreasonable for China not to die" and "any big country can perish China within three days", spreading pessimism, and the national crisis is unprecedented.
The failure of the Reform Movement of 1898 forced Liang Qichao to flee to Japan, but he did not give up his efforts to strengthen the country through reform. In Japan, he founded Qingyi Daily and tried his best to publicize the continuation of the Reform Movement through the media. At that time, imperialism created public opinion and slandered China as the "boss empire".
In order to refute the imperialists' shameless abuse, correct the servile psychology of some people in China, arouse people's patriotic enthusiasm, and arouse national pride and self-confidence, Liang Qichao wrote this article on young chinese in due course.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Young China said