When the water is clear, there are no fish, and when people observe it, there are no disciples. The famous saying means that if the water is too clear, fish cannot survive; if the requirements of others are too strict, there will be no partners. Nowadays it is sometimes used to express that one should not have too high demands on people or things. The words come from "The Book of Rites of the Great Dai": "Zizhang Wen Enters the Official Chapter". There is also a saying that there are no fish in clear water - Modern Chinese Dictionary. Chapter 65 of "Book of Rites of Great Dai" by Zizhang Wen Entering the Officials
Therefore, when a gentleman comes to the people, he cannot understand the nature of the people and understand their feelings; Special obedience. If the government is well-organized, the people will love it; if the government is balanced, the people will have no complaints. Therefore, when a gentleman comes to visit the people, he does not approach him from a high place, he does not travel from a distance, and he does not blame the people for what they cannot do. Now the Ming King has succeeded, but the people are strict and refuse to welcome him. After a few years of work, the people will be sick, and the sick will be cured. Therefore, in ancient times, the head was crowned and the front was bowed, so it obscured the light; the headband blocked the ears, so it was blind. Therefore, when the water is extremely clear, there are no fish, and when people observe it, there are no disciples. Therefore, when it is wrong, it is straight, so that one can get it; when one is good, it is soft, so that one can seek it; when one punishes it, one can ask for it; if the people have small sins, they must use their kindness to forgive their mistakes, just like death makes them live, which is also good. , is to stay close to each other and never leave. Therefore, benefit is the beginning of government. If government is not correct, it cannot be taught, and if it is not practiced, the people cannot use it.