This poem was written by Nalan Xingde in memory of his deceased wife, Lu. The poem expresses the bitterness of today, that is, the ordinary past events cannot be reproduced, the dead wife cannot be brought back to life, and the pain in the soul will never be healed. Nalan Xingde's wife, Lu, was versatile and had the same interests and hobbies as him. He had deep feelings for his wife, but unfortunately "his wife died three years after the marriage."
Blocking Book: Here are allusions between Li Qingzhao and Zhao Mingcheng. Li Qingzhao's "Preface to the Record of Jinshi" says: "I remember that after every meal, I would sit in the Return Hall and cook tea, referring to the accumulation of books and history, saying that something was on which page and line of a certain volume of a certain book, and whether it was the winner or not. , I drank tea one after another. I raised my cup and laughed. When the tea fell into my arms, I couldn't drink it. I was willing to stay in the countryside forever! This happened when Li Qingzhao was living in seclusion in Qingzhou. The couple loved to gamble on books in their spare time. One person told about an incident, and the other said it was a certain page and line in a certain book. If he said it correctly, he would be rewarded with a cup of tea. Li Qingzhao's "Sexual Idol" ""I raised my cup and laughed", but the tea was spilled on my clothes and the prize was gone. The author uses this allusion as a metaphor to explain that he had a happy married life like Li Qingzhao with his deceased wife in the past.