1. Qi Jinggong asked Confucius about government affairs. Confucius said to him: "Jun means king; minister means minister; father means father; son means son." Examine it, think carefully, discern it clearly, and practice it diligently. —— Doctrine of the Mean
4. A teacher is someone who teaches, teaches and resolves doubts. ——Han Yu
5. Leaders manage people and processes manage things. ...Routine issues rely on institutional processes and evidence-based solutions. Non-routine problems reflect the leader’s decision-making ability.
6. There is no circle without rules.
7. The affairs of the world are not difficult to legislate, but difficult to implement according to the legal system. ——Zhang Juzheng (Ming Dynasty politician)
8. Use copper as a mirror to correct your clothes; use people as a mirror to understand gains and losses; use history as a mirror to know the ups and downs - Li Shimin
9. A poor system can prevent bad people from running amok, and a poor system can prevent good people from fully doing good things, or even go the other way - Deng Xiaoping.
10. The exception just proves the rationality of the rules - Byron (British poet)
11. If a person does not have enthusiasm, he will achieve nothing, and the basis of enthusiasm is Responsibility. ——Leo Tolstoy
12. People find happiness in fulfilling their duties. ——Rozov (former Soviet playwright)
13. The weather is not as good as the right place, and the right place is not as good as the people - Mencius
14. When people are united, Mount Tai will move
15. If human beings want to survive in competition, they must struggle - Sun Yat-sen
16. Those who walk in the footsteps of others will never leave their own footprints.
17. If you are poor, you will change; if you change, you will be general; if you are general, you will be long-lasting—"The Book of Changes"