If you leave the Tao, the people will not be disappointed. In ancient times, when people had ambitions, they benefited the people; if they failed to achieve ambitions, they cultivated their moral character and showed it to the world. If you are poor, you will be good for yourself; if you are rich, you will be good for the world. ”
①Song Goujian: name, surname Song, given name Goujian, life is unknown. ②You; refers to lobbying. Xiaoxiao: a peaceful and contented look. ④Deji: that is Complacency.
Famous story:
Mencius said to Song Goujian: "Do you like to lobby the monarchs of various countries? Let me tell you the attitude of lobbying: others understand and you are peaceful and contented; others do not understand and you are peaceful and contented.
Song Goujian asked: "How can we achieve peace and contentment?" ”
Mencius said: “If you respect morality and love benevolence and righteousness, you will be peaceful and contented.” Therefore, when a scholar is poor, he does not lose his benevolence and righteousness; when he is prosperous, he does not deviate from morality. When you are poor, you do not lose your benevolence and righteousness, so you are peaceful and contented; when you are prosperous, you do not deviate from your morality, so the people are not disappointed. People in ancient times showed their kindness to the people when they had the opportunity; when they didn't have the ambition, they cultivated themselves to show themselves in the world. When you are poor, you can do good to yourself; when you are prosperous, you can do good to the world. ”