"Since writing" madness and civilization ",Foucault has been involved in sorting out the files of prisoners in the general hospital and the Bastille. In the late 1970 s and early 1980 s, using these materials, Galimard Publishing House published some related collections. " The Life of an Anonymous Person is the preface written by Foucault for a collection of works. Deleuze and other scholars praised this article as one of Foucault's most brilliant works. This article was first published in 10 1977 65438+ Journal of Chemistry (No.29). It was translated into English by Paul Fowles and Megan Morris and included in the book Power, Truth and Strategy. The translation and proofreading of the Chinese version are based on the English version and refer to the original French version. This article will be included in the forthcoming Selected Works of Foucault by Sanlian Bookstore-Editor's Note.