Lian Po, Zhao Zhiliang will also. In the sixteenth year of Zhao Huiwen, Lian Po was General Zhao, who was famous for his bravery in cutting Qi, breaking it, taking it, and worshiping Shangqing. Lin Xiangru and Ye Zhao, officials of Zhao, gave up their lives with great talents.
When Zhao Huiwen was king, he got Chu and Cui. Qin Wenzhi, who made people leave a letter, is willing to invite Yibi with fifteen cities. The ministers of Zhao Wang and General Lian Po made a plan: Qin Cheng may not get it, but he will be bullied; If you don't want to pay, you will suffer the arrival of the pool. The plan is undecided, and asking for help can make people who report to Qin unable to get it. The official ordered Miao Xian to say, "Minister Lin Xiangru, you can make it." Wang asked, "How do you know?" Yes, I said, "I am guilty. I want to get rid of swallows and give up my life as a monk, saying,' What about the prince of swallows?' The minister said,' I have tasted the meeting between the king and the prince. The prince privately held the minister's hand and said,' I would like to make friends.' I know this, so I want to go. "Xiang Ru said to the minister,' My husband Zhao Qiang is weak, but your husband is lucky for the prince of Zhao, so the prince wants to marry you. Today, the monarch is the death of Zhao, and Yan is afraid of Zhao, so he will not dare to keep it. Shu County belongs to Zhao. You might as well admit your crime naked, and you'll be lucky to take it off. "I followed his plan and the king was lucky enough to forgive me. I think he is a brave man, resourceful and just right. " So the king of Qi summoned him and asked Lin Xiangru, "Can the king of Qin give me fifteen cities as gifts?" Xiang Ru said, "Qin Qiang, Zhao Wei, can't help it." The king said, "What shall we do if we take my treasure instead of our city?" Xiang Ru said, "Qin wants to be a wall with the city, but Zhao refuses. This song is in Zhao. Zhao Yubi and Qin refused Zhao Cheng, and Song was in Qin. The second policy is to take Qin Ge. " The king said, "Who can be a messenger?" Xiang Ru said, "There will be no one in the king, and I am willing to serve you. The city entered Zhao and stayed in Qin; If you don't enter the city, please return it to Zhao. " The prince of Zhao then sent Xiang to the west of Qin.
The king of Qin sat on the stage and met him as if he were playing the king of Qin. The king of Qin was overjoyed and passed it on to show his beauty. Long live the left and the right. Seeing that the king of Qin had no intention of returning Zhao Cheng, Xiang Ru said, "If the jade is defective, please tell the king." When the king presented the decree, he stood upright and angry because he was leaning against the post with the decree in his hand. He said that the king of Qin said, "If your king wants the jade, send the book to the king of Zhao, and the king of Zhao will call his ministers to discuss it. It is said that' Qin is greedy and negative, and it is impossible to lose the city by making false statements'. I don't want to give it to Qin Bi. I think the friendship between cloth and clothes is not deceptive, and it is a big country! And it is impossible to use stones to resist the joy of the Qin dynasty. So the prince of Zhao fasted for five days, and the envoys waited on the wall and sent books to the court. who is it? The prestige of a big country is to cultivate respect. I am here today, and the king is very polite to meet the minister. Peter's beautiful biography to tease the minister. I didn't want to pay for the city of Zhao Wang, so I took the treasure again. Your majesty will want to be a minister, and my head is broken in the wall! " It's like holding its post and trying to hit it. The king of Qin was afraid that he would hit the wall, but he politely declined the opportunity to invite him to give advice, saying that he would give Zhao fifteen years from now on. For example, the details of Qin Wang's falsification of Zhao Cheng are really difficult to get. It is said that the king of Qin said, "He is a treasure spread all over the world, and the king of Zhao is afraid not to give it to him. When the prince of Zhao sent jade, he fasted for five days. Today, the king should also fast for five days and arrange nine guests in the court. I dare to go to jade. " The king of Qin spent a lot of time on it, but he couldn't take it away, so he made a five-day promise to Zhai, leaving pictures of each other. For example, although the king of Qin borrowed grain, he never spared the city, but made his followers wear brown clothes and cherish treasures, and died on the road and returned to Zhao.
Five days after the residence of the King of Qin, he made a nine-ceremony ceremony at the court and invited Zhao to make Lin Xiangru. When the item arrived, he called the king of Qin and said, "Since Miao Gong, there have been more than 20 monarchs in Qin, and no one has ever been firmly bound. I'm afraid I'll be bullied by the king of Qi and lose Zhao, so I'll let people go back to Zhao. In addition, Qin is very strong, while Zhao is very weak, so Qi Weiwang sent a special envoy to Zhao, and Zhao Mo Lifeng came. Today, with the strength of the Qin Dynasty, I first gave all fifteen to Zhao. Zhao keeps this jade, how dare he offend the king? I know that the crime of deceiving the king should be punished, so I ask you to discuss it with the king and his ministers. " The king of Qin and his ministers looked at each other and laughed. The left and right sides may want to quote each other, but the king of Qin said, "You will never be worthy of killing each other like this. If you can't enjoy the joy of Qin and Zhao, it's better to meet and let them return Zhao. Can Zhao Wang bully Qin Xie with matches? " When the court saw each other, they went home after the ceremony.
The prince of Zhao believed that the virtuous doctor would not insult the princes and worshipped him as a doctor. Qin didn't give Zhao the city, and Ye Zhao didn't give Qin Bi.
Later, Qin cut Zhao and pulled out Shicheng. Attack Zhao again next year and kill 20 thousand people.
The king of Qin sent an envoy to tell the king of Zhao that he would meet him in Mianchi outside Xihe River. The prince of Zhao is afraid of Qin and wants to leave. Lian Po and Lin Xiangru calculated: "You can't do this, which shows that Zhao is weak and timid." Wang Zhao followed closely, and followed suit. Lian Po saw him off to the world and said to the king, "Go, king, and return it when you get to the Taoist temple. Only 30 days. If you don't pay back within 30 days, please make the prince king, so that you will never see the king of Qin again. " Wang De, hence and Mianchi. The king of Qin was drinking heavily and said, "I overheard the good voice of the king of Zhao." Please play the harp. " Wang Zhao drum and harp. The first book of the Qin Empire said, "One day, the king of Qin and the king of Zhao drank wine and made the king of Zhao beat drums." . Lin Xiangru said, "The king of Zhao secretly heard that the king of Qin was Qin Zhisheng. Please play Penqing Qinwang Entertainment. " The king of Qin was furious and refused. So he knelt down and invited the king of Qin. The king of Qin refused to strike. Xiang Ru said, "Within five steps, Xiang Ru please spill blood on your neck!" Think left and right like a blade, and think right like a slap. So the king of Qin is not worried, but a blow. For example, Gu Zhao's proposal said: "One day, the king of Qin killed the king of Zhao." . The ministers of the state of Qin said, "Please celebrate Zhao's 15th birthday." Lin Xiangru also said: "Please take Xianyang, the land of Qin, as the prince of Zhao." The king of Qin actually drank wine, but he couldn't beat Zhao in the end. Zhao Yisheng had soldiers waiting for Qin, but Qin did not dare to move.
After returning home, I made great contributions to Xiangrugong, worshipped Shangqing, and was on the right of Lian Po. Lian Po said, "I am General Zhao, and I have made great contributions to the siege and field operations, while Lin Xiangru is angry with me, like a plain woman. I am so ashamed that I can't bear to do it. " The declaration said, "If I see each other, I will feel humiliated." I heard about each other and refused to attend the meeting. Like every dynasty, he often claimed to be ill and didn't want to compete with Lian Po. I always like to go out and see Lian Po, and I like to lead cars to hide. So Mr. Scheeren said to the admonition officer, "I went to my relatives' house to serve you, and I admire your noble righteousness." Today, you and Lian Po are in the same column. Even the monarch speaks ill of you, but you are afraid to hide it. Fear is great, and mediocrity is shameful. The situation is similar! I'm waiting for you. Please resign. Lin Xiangru stopped him and said, "Do you think it's General Lian or King Qin?" ? "said," if not. Xiang Ru said, "My husband used the power of the king of Qin as a courtier, and blamed him for insulting him. Is it like being afraid of General Lian? Gu Wu saw that Qiang Qin did not dare to send more soldiers to Zhao Zhe because we are all here. Nowadays, two tigers are fighting side by side, which is far from the same. I did this for the urgency of the country, and then for personal hatred. " Hearing this, Lian Po was naked and humbled, apologizing to the guests who came to Lin Xiangru Gate. He said: "I didn't know the general was such a generous and despicable person." "A pawn is happy, and a pawn is a friend.
2. The original translation of Biography of Lian Po and Lin Xiangru.
Lian Po is an excellent general under Zhao. In the 16th year of Huiwen, Lian Po, the general of Zhao, led the Zhao army to conquer Qi, defeated Qi, captured Jin Yang and was promoted to Shangqing. Since then, he has been famous for his bravery and good fighting in the vassal States. Lin Xiangru, a native of Zhao, is a guest of Miao Xian, the eunuch leader of Zhao.
When Zhao Huiwen was king, he got the harmony of Chu people. Zhao Haoqi, the king of Qin, wrote a letter to the prince of Zhao, expressing his willingness to exchange fifteen cities for Cui. The prince of Zhao discussed with General Lian Po and other ministers: If you give Baoyu to the State of Qin, I am afraid that all the cities in the State of Qin will not get it and will be cheated in vain; If you don't give it to him, I'm afraid Qin will attack. We haven't found a suitable solution, and we can't find an envoy who can reply to Qin. The eunuch ordered Miao Xian to say, "My guest Lin Xiangru can go to the embassy." Zhao Wang asked, "How do you know he can be a special envoy?" Miao Xian replied: "I once committed a crime and privately planned to flee to Yan State. The guest Xiang Ru advised me not to go and asked me,' How do you know the Prince of Yan?' I said to him,' once I met the prince on the border with the king, and the prince privately held my hand and said,' I want to make friends with you'. So I know him, so I'm going to find the prince. "Xiang Ru said to me,' Zhao Guoqiang, Yan is weak, and you are favored by Zhao, so Yan wants to make friends with you. Now you have fled from Zhao to Yan, and Yan is afraid of Zhao. In this case, Wang dare not take you in, but will tie you up and send you back to Zhao. You might as well take off your coat, show your shoulders, lie under the blade of the axe and ask for punishment, and maybe you will get a pardon by luck. "I followed his advice and the king forgave me. Personally, I think this man is a brave man with great wisdom and should be able to preach. " So the king of Zhao immediately summoned him and asked Lin Xiangru, "The king of Qin wants fifteen cities in exchange for Hebi. Can you give it to him? " Xiang Ru said, "Qin Guoqiang and Zhao Guo are weak, so we have to agree." The king of Zhao said, "What if you take my treasure and don't give it to me? Xiangru said: "Qin asked to exchange the city for jade, but Zhao refused, and Zhao was at a loss; "Zhao gave it to Bi, but Qin didn't give it to Zhao's city. Qin is really indefensible. Weighing the two countermeasures, I would rather agree to let Qin bear the responsibility of indefensible. "Wang Zhao said," Who can go? " Xiang Ru said, "Your Majesty, if there is no one to send me, I am willing to take my treasure to preach. When these cities belonged to Zhao, they left these treasures to Qin. The city can't be returned to Zhao, and I must return He Shibi to Zhao intact. " The prince of Zhao sent Lin Xiangru to the state of Qin with Cui.
The king of Qin sat on the stage to meet Lin Xiangru and gave him a piece of jade. The king of Qin was very happy. He passed Bobby on to his wife, concubine and entourage, and shouted long live. Seeing that the king of Qin didn't need the city to compensate Zhao, Xiang Ru stepped forward and said, "There is a small spot on the wall. Let me show it to the king. " When the king of Qin handed him the jade, he took it and retreated to the post, furious. He said to the king of Qin, "Your Majesty wants this treasure jade, so he sent a letter to the king of Zhao, who summoned his ministers to discuss it. Everyone said,' Qin is insatiable, relying on its strength, it is impossible to get Baoyu by empty talk. "As a result of the negotiation, I don't want to give the treasure to Qin. But I don't think the communication between ordinary people will deceive each other, let alone between big countries! Besides, it is wrong to upset the powerful state of Qin for a piece of jade. So the prince of Zhao fasted for five days and sent me to the temple with my treasure and respectfully presented my credentials. Why is this happening? It is to show respect for the prestige of a big country. Now that I am in your country, the king meets me on the general platform, and the etiquette is very arrogant; After getting the treasure, pass it on to the concubines to watch, so as to tease me. I observed that the king had no sincerity to give the fifteen cities of Zhao, so I took back the treasure. Your Majesty, if you must force me, my head will be smashed on the post with Bobby today! " Like holding a treasure and squinting at the court column, it is about to hit the court column. The king of Qin was afraid that he had smashed the treasure, so he apologized to him, insisted on not letting him do so, and called a company to check the map, pointing out that 15 cities from a certain place to a certain place had been given to Zhao. For example, it is estimated that the king of Qin just pretended to give it to the city of Zhao by fraudulent means. In fact, it is impossible for Zhao to get it, so he said to the king of Qin, "He Shibi is a treasure universally recognized, and the king of Zhao is afraid of your country and dare not give it away. Today, Wang Zhao fasted for five days before giving the jade seal. Today, the King should also fast for five days and arrange gifts for nine guests in the palace before I dare to present a treasure. " The king of Qin estimated that it was impossible to take it by force after all, so he promised to fast for five days and put Xiangru in Guangcheng Hotel. For example, it is estimated that although the king of Qin promised to fast, he would certainly break his promise not to distribute it to all cities, so he sent his followers to put on linen clothes, hid them in his arms, escaped from the path and sent them back to Zhao.
Five days after the King of Qin fasted, a grand ceremony was arranged in the palace to entertain Lin Xiangru, the envoy of the State of Zhao. When Xiang Ru arrived, he said to the king of Qin, "None of the more than 20 monarchs in the State of Qin has kept his word since Mu Gong. I was really afraid of being cheated by the king, and I was sorry for the king of Zhao, so I sent someone to take it back. I also returned to Zhao by the same way. Besides, Qin Guoqiang and Zhao Guo are weak. If the king sends an envoy to Zhao, Zhao will send it immediately. Now, with the strength of Qin, fifteen cities were ceded to Zhao. How dare Zhao leave a treasure to offend the king? I know that cheating the king should be punished. I am willing to accept Tang Yong's punishment. I only hope that the king and ministers will take a long-term view on this matter! " The king of Qin and his ministers looked at each other and gave a wry smile. Some followers want to punish Xiang Ru. The king of Qin took the opportunity to say, "If you kill Xiangru now, you won't get the treasure after all. On the contrary, it will destroy the friendship between Qin and Zhao. It is better to treat him well and let him go back to Zhao. Will Zhao cheat Qin for a piece of jade? " In the end, Xiang Ru received a grand reception in the palace and was sent back to China after the ceremony.
After Xiangru returned to China, the Prince of Zhao thought that he was a wise doctor, and he could be loyal to the vassal States, so he was named Xiangru as a doctor. Since then, Qin has not given these cities to Zhao, and Zhao has not given Qin its treasures.
After that, Qin attacked Zhao and seized Shicheng. The next year, Qin attacked Zhao again, killing 20,000 people.
The king of Qin sent an envoy to tell the king of Zhao that he wanted to meet the king of Zhao in Mianchi, outside the Xihe River. The prince of Zhao was afraid of Qin and decided not to go. Lian Po and Lin Xiangru discussed: "If your majesty doesn't go, it will appear that Zhao is timid." Zhao Wang went to the meeting, accompanied by Lin Xiangru. Lian Po sent him to the border to bid farewell to the King of Zhao, saying, "Your Majesty's trip, the estimated distance and the end of the talks, plus the time for his return, will not exceed 30 days. If you don't come back in 30 days, please allow me to make the prince king to break Qin Wei's delusion. " The prince of Zhao agreed and went to Mianchi to see the king of Qin. Qin Wang was drunk and said, "I heard privately that Zhao Wang likes music." Please play the harp! " "The prince of Zhao played the harp. The historian of Qin stood up and wrote: "On a certain day, the king of Qin and the king of Zhao drank together, making the king of Zhao play the piano." Lin Xiangru stepped forward and said, "I heard privately that he is good at Qin local folk music. Please let me give the king of Qin a basin to appreciate each other. " The king of Qin was angry and refused. At this time, Lin Xiangru offered a tile and knelt down to invite the king of Qin to play. The king of Qin refused to stop. Lin Xiangru said, "If I commit suicide in these five steps, the blood in my neck will spill on the king of Qin! "The attendants of the king of Qin wanted to kill Lin Xiangru, and Lin Xiangru scolded loudly with his eyes wide open, and the attendants all retreated in fear. So the king of Qin was very unhappy and had to knock at the door. Xiang Ru turned back to greet Zhao Shi and wrote: "On a certain day in a certain year, the king of Qin was attacked by the king of Zhao. "The ministers of the State of Qin said," Please pay tribute to the King of Qin in the fifteen cities of Zhao. " Lin Xiangru also said, "Please use Xianyang, the state of Qin, to give gifts to Zhao Wang." Until the end of the banquet, the king of Qin never overwhelmed the king of Zhao. Ye Zhao deployed a large number of troops to guard against Qin, so Qin did not dare to make a move.
Mianchi returned to Zhao after the meeting. Because of Lin Xiangru's great contribution, he was named Shangqing, and his official position was above Lian Po. Lian Po said: "As the general of Zhao, I have made great contributions to attacking cities and fighting wild fields, while Lin Xiangru has just made some contributions by talking eloquently, but his position is above mine. Besides, Lin Xiangru was born in a humble background, and I feel ashamed and can't stand being under him. " And threatened that "when I see Lin Xiangru, I must humiliate him." Lin Xiangru didn't want to see Lian Po. Every time he goes to court, Lin Xiangru often claims that he is sick and doesn't want to compete with Lian Po for priority. Before long, when Lin Xiangru went out, he saw Lian Po and Lin Xiangru turned around and avoided. So the men and women of Lin Xiangru came together to protest against Lin Xiangru, saying, "The reason why we left our relatives to serve you is to admire your noble righteousness. Now you are like Lian Po. Lian Po speaks ill of you, but you dare not avoid him. You are so timid that ordinary people feel ashamed, let alone be a leader! We people have no future, please let us resign! " Lin Xiangru resolutely kept them, saying, "Who do you think is stronger, General Lian or the King of Qin?" Everyone said, "Even the generals are not as good as the king of Qin." Lin Xiangru said, "With the strength of the King of Qin, you dare to reprimand in court and humiliate the ministers. I, Lin Xiangru, though incompetent, shall be afraid of even the general! But it occurred to me that the powerful state of Qin was afraid to fight Zhao because of the two of us. Now we are fighting with each other, just like two tigers fighting, and we can't survive at the same time. I am so patient, that is, putting the national crisis ahead and personal grievances behind! " Lian Po heard these words, took off his coat, stripped to the waist, and was led by the guests to Lin Xiangru's house to confess his sins. He said: "I am a vulgar and humble person. I didn't expect the general to have such a broad mind!" " The two finally made friends and became friends through life and death.