It turns out that every place has a group of landlords. These people were raised by the imperial court, and their lives were very moist, and they often lived a lawless life in the local area. Because these governors have something to do with the emperor, many officials dare not offend them. At that time, in a downtown area of Guilin, a vicious dog chased a scholar, and the scholar was almost bitten by the dog. At this time, the butcher was brave, killed the bad dog and saved the scholar's life.
In fact, the butcher did a good thing, but at the same time he got into trouble, because the dogs were raised by local princes, and those princes treated their dogs more importantly than these people. So after the dog died, the whistleblower's men couldn't go back to work, so they sued the butcher and the scholar to the government, trying to make them pay compensation with their reporting identity.
When the butcher and the scholar explained the situation, Cao Xuequan, then a member of the Guangxi Right Senate, declared them innocent. The domestic slave went back and reported this to the sovereign, who knew that this was definitely not just a dog. Cao Xuequan's new official takes office, and if he commits suicide, his good days will be over. And Cao Xuequan knows that if you don't stifle the momentum of this report, you won't be able to get along with it in the future.
So later, the prince bribed the scholar and told him that he was actually playing with his dog, but the butcher killed the dog and threatened the scholar not to tell, so much so that the butcher killed the dog on purpose.
Cao Xuequan was not afraid at all. The report immediately hit the scholar 30 times, almost killing him. And reprimand those slaves and tell them to get out, otherwise they will end up like scholars. So later, Wang Ye realized that this Cao Xuequan was really not to be taunted. Moreover, on the day when Cao Xuequan announced the closing of the case, he also cursed in court: "Every time you kill a dog, you are a scholar!" . Moreover, this sentence was written into the file of this case, which also made this sentence pass down. We really admire having such an excellent official in ancient times, which is really a blessing to the people.