Actually, everything they say has a source. It’s the weekend, let’s pick out some quotes from statisticians for everyone to enjoy.
All models are wrong, but some models are useful | All models are wrong, but some models are useful.
George E. P. Box
Blind product: Great, I won’t be afraid if the model is wrong in the future.
After completing a scientific experiment, you can find a statistician to analyze the data. It is like asking a doctor to perform an autopsy after a patient dies. The doctor will tell you the reason why the patient died. Likewise, a statistician will tell you why an experiment failed.
Ronald Fisher
Xianpin: Who told you not to invite me earlier?
In the ultimate analysis, all knowledge is history; in an abstract sense, all science is mathematics; on the basis of reason, all judgments are statistics.
C.R. Rao
Blind Pin: Haha, I have the final say.
Statistics is the art of making numerical assumptions about puzzling problems.
David Freedma
Blind product: rapid improvement in quality.
Statistics has an extraordinary ability to deal with a variety of complex problems, and it requires very sophisticated methods and careful interpretation. When human scientific explorers encounter insurmountable obstacles in the jungle of problems, only statistical tools can open a way forward.
Francis Galton
Blind Pin: Haha, I am still awesome.
A little knowledge of statistics often leads to unnecessary deception, and a blanket rejection of statistics often leads to unnecessary ignorance.
Blind product: This reminds me of those zodiac fans. You must not accept the girl who dumped you because her zodiac sign is not worthy.
Biostatisticians are valuable allies. Biostatistics is not mathematics far away from us, but a basic discipline of modern medicine, just like a pillar in Bacteria.
It is said that he is the editor-in-chief of JAMA
Blind Pin: Please have more editors like this.