The meaning of the dragon slayer is as follows:
From Nietzsche's The Other Side of Good and Evil, this sentence means that the man who kills the dragon is a warrior, and he will eventually become another dragon.
Originally, the dragon slayer represented the righteous side, and fought against the dragon for the sake of mankind, with the ultimate goal of ending the battle with fighting. Therefore, there is no absolute justice and evil, and even there is no essential difference between the brave and the dragon, but only a nominal difference, and people see the light of the "brave" and can't see the darkness behind the "brave".
The dragon here can also be likened to the appearance that people hated and resisted at first, such as autocracy, and then the brave represents the hero who overthrew this autocracy, but after overthrew an autocracy, there will be a new autocracy, and then a new brave will come back on Tuesday, just like history repeating itself.
Content of The Other Side of Good and Evil:
The Other Side of Good and Evil was written in the summer of 1885 and completed the following winter. There are two purposes in writing this book, one is to explain what Zarathustra said, and the other is to prepare for writing his greatest and most important book, Strong Will. In this book, Nietzsche tries to define the two relative words "good" and "evil" in order to distinguish immoral from immoral.
He noticed that people's efforts to make the ancient moral standards consistent with the needs of modern people were contradictory, and he realized that people often made compromises between moral theory and social practice.
His aim is to establish the relationship between morality and need, and to construct an operable foundation for human behavior. Therefore, The Other Side of Good and Evil is one of Nietzsche's most important contributions to a new moral system, touching many of the deepest principles of his philosophy.