The first drop of blood 4 Rambo Si (2008) 62 years old
Rocky ⅵ: Brave and fearless Rocky balboa (Rocky ⅵ) (2007) 6 1 year.
Rocky Five: Long Yinhu smiles Rocky Five (1990) is 44 years old.
The first drop of blood 3 Rambo San (1988) is 42 years old.
Loki IV: Invincible Loki IV (1985)39 years old.
First Blood 2 Ramb First Blood Part 2 (1985)39 years old.
First blood first blood (1982) is 36 years old.
Loki III (1982) is 36 years old.
Loki II (1979) is 33 years old.
Loki Yi (1976) is 30 years old.
Stallone, besides the first Hot Blood series, the Loki series is also quite wonderful, especially the fourth one.