Mencius said, "If Wang knew this, there would be no hope that there would be more people than neighboring countries. If you don't go against the farming season, the valley can't beat the grain. If you don't count, neither fish nor turtle can be eaten. Axe gold gets into the mountain in time, and mywood can't be used. Valley and fish turtles can't fight for food, and wood and wood can't fight for it, which makes people lose their lives and have no regrets. There is no regret in being born and dying, and the beginning of the king is also. "
Mencius said, "If your majesty knows this, he can't expect more people and fewer neighbors. If the military corvee does not interfere with the season of agricultural production, the grain will be inexhaustible; If the fine net does not go fishing in the deep pond, fish and turtles will eat more; If trees are cut down on the mountain according to a certain season, the wood will be inexhaustible. Food and aquatic products such as fish and turtles can't be eaten up, and wood can't be used up. The people are born without regrets, and they are raised and buried. People have no regrets about life, death and burial, which is the beginning of kingly way. "
I hope everyone can take care of the environment. How do you say this in ancient Chinese is super powerful? Go and have a look, I dare not copy.
"Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals": "Do you want to exhaust fishing? And there will be no fish next year. "
"Wang Zhi": When the vegetation is lush, the axe does not enter the forest, and it will never die, and it will never stop; When giant fish, soft-shelled turtle and loach are pregnant, the poison is not in water and will last forever. Spring ploughing, Xia Geng, autumn harvest and winter storage are all timely, so the food is endless and the people are full. At this time, stinking ponds, ponds, swamps and rivers are forbidden, so there are more fish and turtles, and the people are more useful; Cutting down trees will not delay time, helping the mountains have no children and girls, and the people have more materials.
3. The 5,000-word environmental protection manuscript in classical Chinese is an organic whole with harmonious atmosphere and harmonious objects. Therefore, there are lingyun flying practice, thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, beautiful scenery, smart animals, dazzling, timely rain and snow, and the beauty of all people is salty!
However, stupid people, with selfish evil thoughts, destroy my rivers and mountains, destroy my nymphs, hunt my beasts, muddy my things, soil erosion, distracted people, frequent disasters, the wrath of the gods, and hell on earth. North for a long time, a long time. Earth and rock collapse, people can take shelter. The floods in southern Xinjiang flooded, and the huts collapsed when they flooded. Burn camphor, turn camphor into camphor, all the money is gone, and the water is turbid. Poor land attracts Jia to enrich his ambition, make him angry, shake his top jade pool and pollute his earth and stone. Thousands of feet Fiona Fang, radish is not born, more than nine days, the Milky Way is gone.
Oh! There are mounds on the mountains and mounds on the ground. Rivers and seas are still flowing, turbid water is still pouring, and air is sucked all day long. The sky is no longer blue and the water is no longer clear. What is the sky without dark clouds? At this moment, the red army came out and the glory was gone. It is rare for a bird to fly back. Don't be complacent, think of future generations before you can continue. But the effect of the trip is that those who live in the temple should think about it, those who are uncomfortable should be abandoned, and the state should severely punish them.
People, the place of heaven and earth. If you violate the Tao and destroy your own territory, you will perish. Only by taking a long-term view can we ensure the well-being of the world.