When people are poor, they long for material and money, but once they have it, they suddenly find that money is not everything. French Rousseau said: "Money cannot buy what the soul needs." Money can buy marriage, but not love; money can buy high-end Simmons, but not sleep; money can buy books, but not love. There is no knowledge; money can buy expensive medicines, but not health; money can buy diplomas, but not real talents; money can buy elixirs, but not life. The most sage teacher Confucius said: "A gentleman is likened to righteousness, and a villain is likened to benefit." Confucianism advocates the word "virtue", "Wealth and honor are what people want. If you don't get it by following the way, you won't get it." Our country Taoism emphasizes returning to nature and does not seek fame and fortune. "The breeze and the bright moon do not require money." This kind of thinking is far from the world, for fear of being polluted by money and becoming vulgar. It has also become an unattainable and transcendent temperament of our nation. When it comes to praise and criticism of money, the father-in-law is right and the mother-in-law is right.
But no matter what, money is a tool for human survival and one of the foundations of a country's prosperity. To be fair, money is indeed a good thing. The key is people's attitude towards it. There is a saying in our country that a gentleman loves talent and acquires it in a proper way. Never take wealth that is dishonest. The former mayor of Fuyang City, Xiao Zuoxin, was greedy. In the court of the Provincial High Court, the judge subtracted the Xiao family’s legitimate income from their reasonable living expenses and other expenses. Xiao Zuoxin’s family still had 12,232,638.26 yuan, US $14,243, and HKD 83,880. Yuan and others cannot tell its origin. The money turned out to be wealth, but turned into evidence in court. There is a saying, "You won't shed tears until you see the coffin." Xiao Zuoxin finally understood money and said: "People ask for three meals a day and a night's sleep. What do I need so much money for?" This understanding is really like what Miss Zijuan said. Like Jia Baoyu, "Master Bao, you're late!" The mayor was removed from office, and the citizens were dismissed. He was imprisoned and subjected to severe punishment. All hard work, struggle, honor, and wealth were in vain. It was like a nightmare. Market, money, money, you make fools not discuss it. No wonder the cynical Jigong sang: "Gold is empty, silver is empty, and it will never be in your hands after death."
There are several corrupt officials in the recent TV series "The Granary of the World", and the corrupt officials use their children to gain money. of. The "Poverty Prevention Ci" in "Jin Ping Mei" is well written, "Money and silk are put into the bead cage and kept inside. If it is not for the debut, there will be less greed. The morality of relatives and friends is lost because of money, and the feelings of father and son are lost for profit. Quickly shrink your hands and pull your head, so as not to make your body and mind worry day and night. "Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings, so don't worry about your children and grandchildren." In Chinese history, people with lofty ideals often have a clear understanding. Lin Zexu wrote a couplet by himself, which said: If my descendants are like me, what will they do with their money? If a virtuous person has a lot of money, his ambition will be damaged. My descendants are not as good as me, so what do I do with the money? Being foolish and having too much wealth will increase your faults. Mr. Lin is an upright person and proves the slang saying "If you shout three times for free, you will be afraid of ghosts". Officials must clearly understand, "Officials do not fear my strictness but fear my integrity; the people do not obey my ability but obey my public; if I am public, the people will not dare to be arrogant, and if I am honest, the officials will not dare to bully. When public officials are honest and honest, they will be prestige." "Integrity is the foundation of government. If you want to be a good official, you must understand the two sides of money. It is a double-edged sword. Our country's current "Constitution" clearly states that "economic construction is the centerpiece." The more money you can get from the right path, the better; you can't take any money from the evil path. No matter what industry you are in, you should be alert and alert at all times.
British thinker Bacon said it well, money should be obtained by legitimate means, used prudently, used generously to help the world, and should be parted with without any regrets before death. This is the correct attitude towards money!
People are busy all day long. Nowadays, people often say "I am very busy". It seems that this has become a popular expression, and it is all about money. Let’s add some relevant content to our signatures, so as to make money.
Enlightenment Chinese Studies
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