The big visa is the Canadian Student Permit (StudyPermit) visa. A small visa is an entry-exit visa. Extended information
1. Large visa: Student Permit (StudyPermit) visa.
The student permit (StudyPermit) visa issued by the Immigration Bureau when the applicant enters Canada is commonly known as the large visa. This is what we call “identity”, which is the legal status of studying in Canada. It is an A4-sized piece of paper. This is issued to international students when they first enter the country. It has your detailed information and the school you are studying on. This visa only allows students to stay in Canada to study and cannot be used as a certificate for entry and exit. The Canadian student permit visa is usually valid for 1 year, but it also depends on personal luck. At that time, more than 100 of our classmates studied in Canada. Some students were approved for 1 year, and some were approved for 4 years. In fact, the validity period does not matter. No problem, because as long as you are studying normally, you can apply for an extension at the local immigration bureau until the study period expires. If you change schools, you normally need to send the Immigration Bureau information about the new school, and the Immigration Bureau will issue you a new study permit.
2. StudyVisa: entry-exit visa.
StudyVisa is the "VISA" affixed to the applicant's passport. This type of visa is a voucher for the applicant's entry and exit, and can also be called an entry-exit visa. The function of the small visa is an entry and exit permit. This validity period is not consistent with the validity period of the study permit. It is usually very short, half a year to one year. This renewal is relatively easy. The student can provide it by mailing it to the Canadian Embassy by providing transcripts and proof of study. . Usually, if our international students do not return to the country, there is no problem if the mini-visa expires, because as long as you do not leave the country, the mini-visa is an entry visa. There are two types of small visas, one is called single round trip and the other is called multiple round trip. Only the application fee is different and the application procedures are the same. A single round trip means that you can only enter and exit once within the validity period. Multiple round trips means there is no limit on the number of entries and exits.
The major and minor visas for studying in Canada cannot be processed at the same time. You can only apply for a round-trip visa on the premise of ensuring that you have a study visa; applying for a minor visa extension in China generally takes 5 working days. Therefore, students studying in Canada should pay attention to the validity period of their visas and renew them in time. Check the date of your visa every time before returning to your country. It is faster and more convenient to apply for your visa in Canada than at home. You will avoid finding that your visa has expired after returning to your country. If you no longer have transcripts and proof of study, you can apply for your visa. It's very difficult.