"KDSIMG1" Full name of "KDSPs": Alexander von Humboldt Occupation: Naturalist and explorer "KDSPE" Nationality: "KDSIMG2" Prussian "KDSPs" Why famous: Humboldt's plant geography His quantitative work laid the foundation for the field of biogeography.
"KDSPE" "KDSPs" Born: September 14, 1769 Place of Birth: Berlin, Germany Star Signature: Virgo
Death Time: May 6, 1859 (89 years old) Cause of Death: Alexander von ·Apoplexy events in the life of Alexander von Humboldt 1799-06-05 Naturalists Alexander von Humboldt and Aimé Bonpland set out from Coru?a in Pisa Luo set sail and began a 5-year expedition to Latin America 1800-11-24 Naturalist Alexander von Humboldt and Aimé Bonpland Botanist John Fraser 1802-01-06 Naturalist Alexander von Humboldt and Emmy Bonpland arrive in Quito, Ecuador 1804-08-03 Naturalist Alexander von Humboldt lands in Bordeaux, France completing his 5-year expedition to Latin America 1804 -12-07 Naturalist Alexander von Humboldt reports in his memoirs his discovery of a decrease in the strength of the Earth's magnetic field from the poles to the equator Shared on Facebook Famous explorer Marco Polo Thor Heyerdahl Shared on Twitter William Dampier Famous naturalist John James Audubon Joy Adamson Steve Irwin