First of all, we need to generate a keystore, otherwise we will get the following error when signing.
Jarsigner error: Java. lang. runtime exception: keystore loading: c:\ documents and settings \ ijee \ keystore (the system cannot find the specified file. (Here is my current system user name)
The statement that generates the keystore: keytool -genkey -alias alias. You can write it yourself-keyalrsa-keystore.keystore.
For example, mine is keytool-genkey-aliasijee-keyalg RSA-keystore.keystore.
Here are some steps of the digital signature that will appear:
Enter the keystore password:
Enter the new password again:
What's your first and last name?
[unknown ]:ijee
What is the name of your organizational unit?
[unknown ]: mtk
What is the name of your organization?
[unknown ]: mtk
What is the name of your city or region?
[Unknown]: Suzhou
What is the name of your state or province?
[Unknown]: Jiangsu
What is the two-letter country code of this unit?
[unknown]: cn
Is cn = ij2ee, ou = MTK, o = MTK, l = Suzhou, ST = Jiangsu and c = cn correct?
[no ]: y
(If it is the same as the keystore password, press Enter):
At this time. The keystore will be generated in the bin directory of jdk. Move this. The keystore file to the c: \ documents and settings \ currentsystemuser directory.
3. Create a digital certificate
Enter the following command at the command line. PeakCA and peakCALib can be named by themselves. 3650 is a valid number of days, which is about 10 year. When creating a certificate, you need to fill in some information of the certificate and the private key password corresponding to the certificate. This information includes CN = XX, OU = XX, O = XX, L = XX, ST = XX, C = XX, all in Chinese, which can be understood at a glance.
keytool-genkey-alias peak ca-keyalg RSA-keysize 1024-keystore peak calib-validity 3650
4. Export the certificate to a certificate file.
Enter the following command at the command line. PeakCA and peakCALib can be named by themselves, and * * * * is the password you entered.
keytool-export-alias peak ca-file peak ca . cer-keystore peak calib-store pass * * * * * *-RFC
5. Authorize the jar file and enter the following instructions at the command line.
jarsigner-keystore peak calib my applet . jar peak ca