Effective, compulsory insurance electronic policy is effective, compulsory insurance, insurance companies only provide electronic policy. In the insurance description of insurance products, it is clear that electronic insurance policies and paper insurance policies have the same legal effect, because according to the provisions of the Insurance Law, insurance policies or other insurance certificates should stipulate the contractual contents agreed by both parties. The parties may also agree to indicate the contents of the contract in other written forms. In addition, the Electronic Signature Law also points out that a data message that can effectively display its contents and can be retrieved at any time is regarded as a written form that meets the requirements of laws and regulations. It shows that paper contracts are legally effective and there are many electronic insurance policies.
The electronic insurance policy of compulsory insurance refers to the electronic certification document issued by the insurance company to the insured in the form of data message with electronic signature, which can prove the contractual relationship of motor vehicle insurance. The advantages are obvious, there is no need to paste compulsory insurance signs, and data sharing is realized in the area where the auto insurance electronic policy is implemented, and all records can be found everywhere. Then it can be more convenient in the event of a traffic accident, and there is no need to provide a paper insurance policy.