2. Source: Mencius Li Lou: "Mencius said: If you love someone, you must back your benevolence; Treat a person, you will betray your wisdom; Not answering is betraying respect. Those who are not allowed to do things are asking for more happiness; Its body is upright and the world belongs to it. As the poem says: always say what you want and seek happiness from yourself. "
Mencius said, "If you love others, but you can't get close to them, you should ask yourself if you are kind." If you manage others, but you can't manage them well, then you should ask yourself whether you are wise. If you are polite to others, but you can't get a response from others, then ask yourself if you have enough respect. Everything you do can't get the desired effect, you should find the reason from yourself. If you correct yourself, people all over the world will naturally submit to him. The Book of Songs says: Long live Zhou, follow God's will! Happiness must be found by yourself. "