As the old saying goes, once the scar is healed, don’t forget the pain. The next sentence is of course rich, don’t forget to be poor. In fact, this sentence is a famous saying in China. In this case, it is generally summed up by people’s experience. Because there are many of us. When you are truly good. Given. It is possible to forget the past. The history of self-control and hard work. Forget your time of pain and poverty. This is actually very wrong. This sentence is for us to remember. One cannot forget one’s roots. We cannot forget our original intention. We need to remember our roots. Remember your original intention. Only this way. Only then will we continue to mature and grow. If you forget your own character and your roots. Such people will also suffer easily. Such people are also very. Not good. Is it right to educate us not to forget our original intention in anything we do?