1905, Einstein, who works in Berne Patent Office, proved in a paper that Planck's quantum hypothesis can explain the so-called photoelectric effect-the phenomenon that some metals emit electrons when light strikes them. So 192 1 won the Nobel Prize in physics. Since then, Einstein has continued to explore quantum concepts. Then Heisenberg, Schrodinger and others put forward a new description of reality called quantum mechanics. Tiny particles no longer have definite positions and velocities. On the contrary, the more accurately you determine the position of a particle, the less likely you are to determine its velocity, and vice versa. But Einstein was shocked by this random and unpredictable component of the basic law and never fully accepted quantum mechanics. His view is embodied in his famous saying "God doesn't roll dice". However, most other scientists since then have acknowledged the validity of the new quantum law, because it shows that it is very consistent with the observed data, and because it seems that quantum law can explain various phenomena that have not been explained before.
Perhaps this is regrettable, but it is from here that we see a comprehensive and true Einstein. 1952, Einstein refused to be president of Israel and said, "Politics is temporary, but the equation is eternal.". The equation is eternal, but everyone's cognitive limitations and time limitations run through our long history.